What can I offer you?

I teach eurythmy, lecture on a variety of subjects relating to anthroposophy, social pedagogy, social therapy, and curative education. I trained in the Camphill Eurythmy School, and have developed my own approach to Learning through Social Eurythmy after working with Annemarie Ehrlich. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Masters graduate of Social and Education Research.

I can work with you on any of these themes:

  • Eurythmy, in connection with any theme at all or just for fun
  • Intuitive Practice, creativity, or what to do when you don't know what to do
  • Anthroposophy and personal development
  • Curative Education and Social Therapy
  • Perception and the human senses
  • The 7 Life Processes

I am available for courses, presentations, or retreats. Please email me.