What do you want to know about eurythmy?
Eurythmy is a fascinating and mysterious art of movement. Here are the answers to all your questions. Eurythmists, Waldorf pupils, movement therapists, dancers, everyone will learn something here. If you are involved or know of any research relevant to eurythmy then please get in touch.
Discover Eurythmy aims to encourage more interest in eurythmy, to inform and support dialogue between audience and performers -- and to generate more questions! Online for over 10 years, DE is written by an enthusiastic eurythmist in Scotland, and is being revised and updated for 2015. Hopefully you will find what you want to know, and become curious to explore further.
If you have a specific question, search DISCOVER EURYTHMY and type in one or two keywords. If you cannot find what you need, contact DISCOVER EURYTHMY. A response is guaranteed!
Discover: Eurythmy Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most common questions about eurythmy
A selection of eurythmy videos
Discover: Where can I find... ?
Where can I learn eurythmy?
Where can I find images and videos of eurythmy?
Find other resources and contacts.
Is there a eurythmist or eurythmy therapist in my area?
Eurythmy Association of Great Britain and Ireland »»
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Discover: Eurythmy Answers
Explore some of the deeper questions about eurythmy sent in by readers
The Complete Discover Eurythmy is available for download in PDF format.
Discover Eurythmy is only available in English, but if you can make good quality translations in another language, please get in touch and I will make the text available here as an ebook.